Liaison with Others

DfI is a partner in a Euro-Regional partnership called STREETWISE. The other partners are:
- Department for Transport
- Highways England
- Transport Scotland
- Welsh Government
- Transport for London
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
STREETWISE has been involved in the following European projects:

The EasyWay Projects phase I (2007-2009) and phase II (2010-2012) were co-funded by the European Commission and are part of the EasyWay Global Programme 2007-2020. The core objective of the EWI/II was to deploy Europe wide ITS Core Services for the benefit of the road users. By doing so, the Programme supports the transport policy goals concerning road safety, environmental impact from transport and mobility.

The Arc Atlantique Corridor phase I (2013-2015), phase II (2014-2017) and phase III (2017-2020) will deliver improvements to the Trans-European Road Network stretching from Ireland to Spain through the wider deployment of ITS systems and services. The deployments consist of a series of ITS technologies and services which have known and proven impacts on the efficiency of the road network.