Winter News


Last updated: 26/03/2025 14:30:20

This information is used to supplement the traffic news. The information provided is updated 24 hours a day, as necessary, with Winter Service details.

Winter Service

Positive temperatures with no salting of the scheduled road network planned for this Wednesday evening / Thursday morning. 

Winter Service Information

Keeping traffic on the move - our aim

We aim to help main road traffic move safely and freely in wintry conditions by spreading salt at the most effective times.


Although we have no statutory obligation to salt roads, Department for Infrastructure (DfI) receives sufficient funding to salt main routes in accordance with our aim.

Which roads are salted

When does salting take place?

DfI duty controllers are on call 24 hours a day in each of our 4 divisions. Based on all of the forecast data and local knowledge, they will make the appropriate decision for their local area.

The season usually lasts from early November to late March but winter service will be provided outside this period if necessary.

Salt is not normally spread

The best advice to motorists is given in rule 230 of the Highway Code for Northern Ireland:

"When driving in icy or snowy weather:

"Drive extremely carefully when the roads are icy. Avoid sudden distractions as these could cause loss of control. You should:

Heavy snow conditions

Can ice-free roads be guaranteed?

To download our Winter Service public information leaflet, click the link.

Seasonal advice for driving in winter

The links below provide advice to motorists when driving in wintry conditions.

Met Office

The Met Office website provides a guide to severe weather warnings and useful information on preparing for weather conditions.